Uganda to Vaccinate Over 10,000 Health Workers Against Ebola

Ebola Vaccine

The ministry of health is to vaccinate over 10,000 high risk health workers against Ebola starting in May, 2024.

The vaccination exercise will target mainly 20 districts along the border line with the DR Congo, and some places in Kampala city against Ebola.

Dr. Henry Kyobe, a Ministry of Health epidemiologist, and the leader of the Ebola response taskforce, revealed this shortly after receiving a donation of up to 25,000 double doses from the Johnson and Johnson Company on Wednesday.

As a way of adding onto the layers of resistance in case of an outbreak of this disease, especially the Sudanese strain that ravaged the country in 2022, according to Dr. Kyobe, the donation was on request by the Ministry of Health to the company.

He adds that the vaccination exercise is set to start in May after all the preparatory works are done since there is no need to carry out the vaccination quickly.

He said the areas where health workers will be vaccinated have been identified after thorough investigation of their risk potential, and vulnerability due to the high level of exposure to the transmission of this epidemic.

Dr. Kyobe says that all the districts along the entire DR Congo, Uganda boarder line districts from the West Nile up to Kisoro, will have their frontline workers from selected health facilities vaccinated, as well as some people at the high risk of exposure to the pandemic in Kampala.

Dr. Kyobe says vaccination is an additional option to the Ebola response, alongside the traditional preventative methods like contact tracing and safe burial.

The epidemiologist adds that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine which the country just received, is applied in a pair, with a prima dose and the booster. He says it is mainly targeting to resist the Zaire strain.

At the receiving of the vaccine, Dr. Andrew Kambugu the executive director of the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) who are the implementing partners of the vaccination program, expressed readiness to carry out the campaign.

This vaccination initiative by the Ministry of Health, strengthens the country’s preparedness against the Ebola pandemic, reflecting Uganda’s commitment to proactive public health measures.


  1. I think that program should even starts as soon as it can because have seen ebola. Is becoming rampart with people near the river sides and the districts who are neighbors to DRC are more affected to it besides that as long as human health concerns I think ministry of health to try to work on the outbreaks of red eyes which trying to become more serious on the people’s eyes since it is one of the key sensitive organ in our body, thanks may God bless you all with all views you are bringing inorder to fights for the health.


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