5 Places to Look for Employment Opportunities in Uganda


There are millions of Ugandans who haven’t found jobs to sustain their daily lives. Graduates also make a large portion of the unemployed lot.

Several years ago graduating from university guaranteed one a white-collar job in Uganda. Back then only the illiterate and semi-schooled people fell under the unemployed bracket.

But things have changed quickly, more and more people are graduating from university and tertiary colleges and they are all competing for few jobs openings that are available on the market.

Uganda statistics from the labor department indicate that 390,000 students who finish tertiary education each year have only 8,000 jobs to fight for. This means that for every one job that is available they are about 50 people to fill it.

The labor force flow figures at the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) indicate more than 400,000 Ugandans who enter the job market each year, only about 113,000 are absorbed in formal employment, leaving the rest have to join the informal sector. The UBOS findings indicate that illiterates are more likely to be available for any work than the literates.

Uganda’s unemployment rate stands at 80 per cent in urban areas. Majority of the youth in most urban centers are unemployed.

Statistics from the Labor Department show that the current labor force is estimated at 9.8 million of which 53 per cent are females.

Now that University degree no longer guarantees you a job, graduates have to be more aggressive and smart in pursuit of employment opportunities.

Jobs opening are available only that there is stiff competition for these jobs. Job seekers need to know where to find these jobs.

The era of walking from one office to another in search of jobs is long gone. Nowadays most organizations advertise job opportunities online.

Job seekers need to know which online platforms to use to search for jobs. There are at least 5 reputable job websites in Uganda.

We stress ‘reputable’ because some website or online platforms that are used by unscrupulous people to con unsuspecting job seekers.

The few reputable sites only act as a medium to link job seekers and employers seeking a new workforce. Below are the 5 website in Uganda where job seekers can look for jobs:

1.Brighter Monday Uganda

2. The Ugandan job line

3. Glass door 

4. Great Uganda jobs 

5. Job Web Uganda 


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