Ehmah Napoleone: Ugandan Comedians Don’t Repeat Jokes


Comedian Ehmah Napoleone recently disclosed to us his rise to stardom,being part of the comedy revolution in Uganda how he has slowly but surely seen his way to stardom.

Ehmah Napoleone is  a comedian and Director at NTV Mic Check  and  Laftaz Comedy Lounge to disclose to us and what he is passionate about. He spoke to UGO Uganda.

Most people cite that Ugandan Comedians are over repeating the jokes. What’s your say on this?

Majority of those people never attend the live shows. Honestly do you think that the people who attend comedy shows every week would be attending if the comedians told the exact jokes from the previous show?

Spot-On Questions

What is your typical day like?

I wake up in the morning, go check on my bar (called Napoleone’z Bar in Kireka, Namugongo Road), then get on social media to catch up before settling to compose jokes and other literature.

Best joke you heard recently 

That since President Museveni gave the Kabaka a new fuel guzzling car, the Katikiro will soon start collecting  ‘Effuta.’

What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for a person/partner?

I cant pick one. I do very romantic things the moment a nice lady comes close to me.
What do you love most about Uganda?

I love that Ugandans are very humorous people who can turn anything into a joke.

What do you hate most about Uganda?

We are very quick to heap praise on anything foreign while deriding our own.

What would you change about yourself?

Nothing, I think am good enough everywhere.

Which animal in the world would you want to be like?

A lion definitely. I have a big ego and I would definitely want to be King of the Jungle.

If you were to meet God, what would you ask him?

To kill Satan, so that sin is eliminated from life and no one goes to hell. If the sun is this hot in dry season, how about hell?

Are you married?

No, am not…but I am a dad to a beautiful young girl.

If so, what is the one important thing you look for in a woman/wife?

Only one thing? No way, I look for very many….seductively beautiful, articulate, intelligent, loyal, honest, obedient, and have some money.

What makes you happy?

Fame, Money and Power, then sex.

What is the Ugandan character in your opinion?

Laizes faire, we just don’t care .

What do women don’t know about men?

Men are dying to have brief dates with their wives’ cute friends.

What would you like to be written on your tombstone?

“This one did not die, God just airlifted him to heaven.”

Beer or Whiskey?

None, I don’t booze.

What do you do with your change/coins?

I keep them in my car and give them to Askaris to watch over my car when I have packed in public places.

Where do you want to be in 10 years?

In Uganda, chilling in my country home, reading about my greatness in papers, and seeing documentaries about me on TV.

Who is the biggest influence in your life?

Napoleone Bonaparte and Whitney Houston (her music).

What’s your favorite story from your work life?

My work life is already a story and because it pays me, it’s my favourite already.

Have you ever been threatened by a person because of your work?

Yes, once I cracked a joke about the government and some chap came threatening to have me taken to a Safe House. I told him that I shot the first arrow that chased Kony rebels from Soroti during my tenure as an ‘Arrow Boy’…the chap left me alone.

Any advice to those who look up to you?

I was where you are just a few years ago. Study how I did what brought me this far, polish it and you will be looked upto.

What’s your favorite place to eat?

Home, as in Soroti.

Women or cars?

Both.I need a car to take the woman home in comfort…and then more cars.

Tell us something people dont know about you.

My years on the streets still haunt me a lot and hence am reserved and quite shy, staying away from Public places unless when am performing.

When was the last time you cried?

May 2014. Arsenal came from two goals down to beat Hull City and win the first trophy in nine years. I shed tears of joy.


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