Floods: Government Is Handling The Matter- Ecweru Says.


The minister of state in charge of Disaster Preparedness, Musa Ecweru, is concerned with the severe effects of current floods which he says have washed away crops and bridges.

He said: Butaleja, Bukedea, Katakwi, Kasese and Nakaseke are the most affected districts in these floods.

Ecweru who indicated government’s commitment in responding to the the current emergencies caused by the current rains, he is also blaming engineers at the ministry of works for the shoddy works that has left many bridges swept away by the floods.

Addressing journalists on the gravity of the current floods in the country, he said the rains the country is experiencing have been described as above normal that came unexpectedly instead of the normal annual dry spell.

According to the minister, the consequences of the current heavy rains are dire in that hundreds of houses have been destroyed, water sources seem to be contaminated as a result of the flowing toilets, bridges been washed off among other.

Ecweru is also scared that there is looming hunger in some of these affected areas, a number of pupils likely to miss their primary leaving examinations as they can no longer access their schools because of the bridges that have been washed away by the floods.

The minister who says the ministry is committed at responding to these emergencies, is concerned that the engineers at the ministry of Works had defected works that has made a number of bridges be washed away.

According to the minister, the technical team has been directed to compile all statistics of all home steads that have been affected by these heavy rains.


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