Giraffe Translocation from Murchison Falls National Park to Pian-Upe Game Reserve


On Monday 21st October 2019 the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) executive director Mr. Sam Mwandha handed over (UWA) flag to translocation overall head, senior Manager Veterinary service Dr. Patrick Atimnedi to mark the flag off of the sixth giraffe translocation exercise.

The translocation was to see giraffes moved from the Northern Bank of Murchison falls national park Uganda’s largest protected to Pian-Upe wildlife reserve located in the Northeastern part of Uganda and the second largest protected area in Uganda.

Uganda Wildlife Authority led the exercise with support from the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, Uganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC) and Makerere University Veterinary School.

UWA ED Mr. Mwandha Flagging of the Giraffe Translocation
UWA ED Mr. Sam Mwandha Flagging of the Giraffe Translocation

Murchison falls National Park is the largest park in Uganda located in the northwestern Uganda and known for sheltering large numbers of wildlife species including thousands of towers of giraffes. Giraffes translocation it’s not first time, in recent years giraffes were relocated from Murchison falls national park to Lake Mburo national park.

Pian-Upe is another thrilling wildlife reserve in Uganda still virgin for tourist to discover, it’s an attractive for nature lover who in particular looking for tourist less crowded destinations.

Pian-Upe is located in the northeastern Uganda along Kapichorwa road to Nakapiripiriti. It’s the only wildlife reserve which have varieties of wildlife species with potential to pull reasonable number of tourists.

Earlier this year in May, white Eared were sighted in the same reserve, this rill promises for feature tourism progress within the areas. among other wildlife that can be seen at Pian-Upe wildlife reserve include Elephants, Buffalos, only place to sight cheetah, leopards,  Zebraz, oribis, impala.

Pian-Upe also nest about 300 bird species which can be sighted and these include karamoja apalis, kingfishers, starlings and shoe bill storks found in Lake Opeta, Hartlaub’s Turaco, Eastern Bronze-napped Pigeon, Lemon Dove, Dusky Turtle Dove, African Hill Babbler, Alpine Chat, Black-throated Wattle-eye, Mountain Yellow Warbler, Thick-billed Honey guide and Grey Cuckoo-Shrike among other sights.

It’s an amazing desination to explore on your adventure if combined with Mount Elgon climbing, Sipi falls trails and Pian-Upe wildlife reserve. Its uncommon trail of adventure but trying its unusual pleasant taste of the real wildness adventure.

Pian-Upe wildlife reserve the 2nd biggest protected area after Murchison falls national park, the reserve shields an area of 2043sqkm, 338 km/h about 7/8 hour drive from Kampala capital. It adjoins to Bokora Matheniko game reserve extending to the north and stretches to the foothills of Elgon Mountains in the south.

Pian-Upe was gazetted as Debasien animal sanctuary by 1958, after some times the reserves boundaries were threatened as government wanted to turn reserve into an agriculture project south of Girifi River. 1964 due to threats the government extended the reserve northwards and was renamed Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve.

In 2003 was proposal to regazett Pian-Upe for growing fruits, however the project was destructed. Then the government had plans of upgrading the reserve to a national park and there more processes of restocking with many animals like recent impalas from Lake Mburo National Park.

Things to do when at Pian-Upe Wildlife reserve.

Game drive. This is done through different driving trucks to sight an exciting moment of the adventure. Watching different wildlife species several animals including the resident cheetahs, elephants, lions, impala, eared and many other mammals together with several bird species.

Ostrich hatching

Cultural experiences of the Karamojongo culture, watching the manyatta the traditional housing of the karamojongs cultural dances and entertainment and narrates of the cultural ancient background.

Possible adventures covering Pian-upe

Opting for an adventure safari at Pian-Upe, can take options of different proposed undertakings which can broaden your adventure experience.

Planning an adventure that cover Mountain Elgon, Sipi falls and Pian-Upe can be preferably the best option to undertake. The adventure starts from Kampala to Mt. Elgon have two/three days of hiking mountain Elgon, one day to watching the exciting and beautiful Sipi falls and the other two to three days exploring the savannah beauty landscape of Pian-Upe wildlife reserve.

Another adventure can be covering Sipi falls, Pian-Upe reserve and Kidepo valley national park. it start from Kampala to exploring Sipi falls the first days, have two/three days exploring the virgin land of Pain-Upe wildlife reserve and have other three day exploring the African wildness of Kidepo Valley National park.

The two adventure proposal are so much unique from other adventures in Uganda. The nature of locations is in the wildness more distance away from enormous town centers. Finding authenticity of people’s culture, uncrowded destinations with tourists are added plusses you experience.


Tours at Pian-Upe are organized by alocal based organization of Karamoja overland safaris. It arranges cultural, homestays and wildlife safaris to tourists.


The destination has not yet boomed for tourist, there only basic accommodation provided by Uganda Wildlife Authority. If hoping for an adventure here it’s advisable to go along with camping equipment and foodstuffs.


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