Uganda to Host First World Women Birders’ Conference

Uganda Women Birders

The first-ever international women birders conference, which aims to improve the nation’s birding tourism product, is anticipated by bird watchers in Uganda.

Delegates from more than 10 nations will attend the historic conference for women birders, which is set to take place from December 6 to 8.

Bird-watching, sometimes known as birding in tourism, is less developed compared to other attractions including cultural and natural landmarks and the well-known gorilla trails, despite Uganda possessing an astonishing 1,100 different bird species, the majority of which are unique to the country.

The corporate sector has made attempts to promote bird-watching tourism after realizing its potential, but there is still much work to be done. The most expensive and enduring tourists are typically birders, who travel for extended periods of time.

Martin Mugara, the state minister for tourism, wildlife, and antiquities, represented the government at the press conference for the conference, and he highlighted the potential that birdwatching had to increase the country’s foreign income.

According to him, intentional efforts must be made to record the numerous bird species and their behavior within the nation, such as to advertise what is known, in order to effectively promote bird-watching as a tourism package for Uganda.

The Private Sector Foundation’s (PSFU) Steven Asiimwe stressed that Uganda’s favorable habitat and advantageous position make it a perfect birding destination, hence the birdwatching. He continues by saying that, given its natural resources, Uganda stands to make millions of dollars a year by developing bird-watching packages.

According to Herbert Byaruhanga, executive director of the Uganda Tourism Association, the conference will promote interest in Uganda as a birding destination by educating Ugandans about this untapped market. The potential for the birding safari packages to generate significant employment possibilities for the young of the nation is another point made by Byaruhanga.

Despite ongoing efforts to promote the product, he continues, it is in danger due to a variety of issues, many of which are caused by human activity such as deforestation, human settlement, and removal of forest for farming and factory development.

Judith Mirembe, the first chairwoman of the Uganda Women Birders and a representative of Uganda Women Birders on the board of the International Women Birders’ Association, views bird watching as both an effective method for environmental preservation and a successful business. According to statistics, birders visit a place for 14 to 21 days on average, spending USD 340 to $400 a day. The potential of birding in Uganda is enormous, with a target to generate USD 700 million from birders by 2030.

The meeting will also emphasize protecting Uganda birds, which are currently in danger due to a number of issues.

More than 1073 different bird species have been spotted in Uganda. 50% of African birds, 11% of all bird species worldwide, up to 24 species of the 27 Albertine rift endemics, the distinguished shoe bill, and the rare Fox’s weaver.

Uganda is ready to advance significantly in promoting bird-watching tourism, protecting its avian species, and generating huge economic prospects for the nation with the first-ever international women birders conference.




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