Raila Odinga to Host Museveni in Kisumu

Raila Odinga

Prime Minister Raila Odinga is set to host Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni in Kisumu on Saturday.

But President Mwai Kibaki who was earlier expected would not be attending.

During the opening of the Kisumu international airport early in the month, Mr Odinga announced that the President would make more trips to the region starting with Saturday’s function.

The Ugandan President will preside over the launch of the Great Lakes University’s Kisumu Education Trust.

Mr Odinga and President Museveni struck the deal on the Great Lakes event last December when the Prime Minister presided at a fundraiser for Busoga University in Uganda.

The Fundraiser, which was also attended by President Museveni, realised about UGSH900 million (about Ksh30 million).

The PM attended Busoga University fundraiser at the invitation of Ms Rebecca Kadaga, former speaker of the Parliament of Uganda.

During the Busoga University fundraiser, President Museveni and Prime Minister Odinga pledged to champion cross border education as a way of speeding regional integration.


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