Uganda Has Been Led by Wasteful Presidents – Betty Kamya


The past nine leaders who have led Uganda since independence have been extravagant, the Uganda Federal Alliance presidential candidate, Betty Kamya, has said.

Kamya made the remarks on Monday while addressing rallies in Sebei region. “I am ashamed as a woman to see thousands of our children living on the streets when a lot of money is being spent on luxurious things. Many of these children go hungry, roads are bad and health units lack medicine, yet a lot of money is being spent in State House,” Kamya said.

She urged mothers to vote for her because she is a widow who cares and knows how hard it is to bring up orphans. Kamya said Parliament spends over sh150b a year on allowances for MPs, money which is collected from the high taxes levied on the local people. She said she had toured over 70 districts out of the 112, but the complaints in most of them were poverty and corruption among civil servants.

Kamya urged the residents not to vote liars who make empty promises. She said for over 25 years, the NRM had promised to construct better roads and hospitals, but had failed. She expressed disappointment with leaders who are against the federal system, saying they were scared their basket of money would reduce since communities would manage their own resources.


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