Commercial Vehicles in Kampala To Pay Taxes – KCCA


The KCCA (Kampala City Council Authority) executive director;Jeniffer Musisi has announced that all commercial vehicles;commuter taxis, boda bodas, special hires, trailers and buses among others, are to start paying taxes.

The exercise will help to increase KCCA revenue and facilitate many of its projects.It will also reduce congestion in Kampala City, the capital of Uganda.

The figures which will soon be released to the concerned parties range from 10,000 – 500,000.

Some of the affected people have already come out to oppose this saying that they are not in position to pay such high taxes considering that the much cheaper parking tickets they have been paying has been done jointly in the groups they formed.paying on individual basis was almost impossible to them.

The much higher amounts will therefore affect their revenue which is already in a dragging state.

KCCA has however maintained its ground and laid out some of the estimated payable taxes;10,000shs for bodaboda cyclists,120,000shs for taxi operators,buses and coach owners;500,000shs,special higher owners;60,000shs among others.

Word going around however is that the commercial vehicle owners will have to increase the transport fares;which will affect the many people who still use public transport means.


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