Kasangati Police Rescue Baby from Latrine

Kasangati Police

Kasangati Policing Division responded to a distress call that led to the rescue of a newborn baby from a pit latrine. On April 11th, 2023, it is alleged that , a resident of Kabaga Kayanga Kasangati town council, Bulyaba Belinda, noticed bloodstains in her employee’s room, Namulemba Winnie, a shop attendant. When asked about the stains, Namulemba remained quiet, prompting Belinda to take her to Jojo clinic. It was there that Winnie claimed that the baby had accidentally fallen into the pit latrine while she was using it.

Upon returning home, Belinda heard a baby crying in the latrine while trying to clean it. She reported the matter to Kiteezi Police Station, leading to the arrest of Namulemba Winnie, who was detained for attempted murder at Kitezi Police Station. The police, together with the Fire Prevention and Rescue Services, visited the scene and rescued the baby girl alive from the pit latrine. The baby was taken to Hands of Love Medical Center for treatment and later referred to Mulago Hospital for better management.

The police have recorded statements from witnesses and have opened inquiries into the attempted murder of the baby against her mother Winnie Namulemba. We would like to assure the public that we take this matter very seriously, and justice will be served for the rescued baby. This incident highlights the need for parents and guardians to ensure the safety of their children at all times.

We would like to commend the fire prevention and rescue services for their swift response in rescuing the victim and also commend Bulyaba Belinda for promptly reporting the matter to the police.


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