Government Ready to Welcome Joseph Kony


The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Henry Oryem Okello has on Monday said that the Government of Uganda is ready to welcome warlord Joseph Kony home if he decides to surrender.
Hon Oryem Okello has said the intelligence is in touch with CAR government to ascertain whether it’s Kony or some masquerader pretending to be Kony

Hon Oryem Okello has said the intelligence is in touch with CAR government to ascertain whether it’s Kony or some masquerader pretending to be Kony

Last week, Central African Republic (CAR) government confirmed that Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader, Kony was “thinking of surrendering, fed up with fighting.”

Hon Oryem, has revealed that the intelligence is in touch with CAR government to ascertain whether it’s Kony or some masquerader pretending to be Kony.

“If it is Joseph Kony we are willing to welcome him,” he said.

“The position of the President is that if Kony is apprehended, his case should be tried here in Uganda,” Hon Oryem added.

He was speaking at a press briefing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defence about DRC issues in Kampala.

The Internal Affairs Minister explained that according to the Rome Statute, the host country is allowed to try the case of the person accused (Kony).

“Kony does not qualify for Amnesty anymore.”

In his remarks, about the status of M23 rebel movement in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Hon Oryem said “Process of negotiations has not failed.”

He said President Yoweri Museveni has had several talks with President Joseph Kabila of DRC since 11th November, 2013 about the M23 rebels.

Oryem also defended the stand of Uganda towards the M23 rebels and clarified that the government does not the rebel group in DRC.

“Forces of evil in the region will blame Uganda for whatever happens in Congo and we saw that with the experts’ report accusing Uganda of supporting M23.”

He then noted that if they want peace in their country, they should take the initiative.

“Uganda’s interest in DRC is the containment of the ADF rebels. The problems of the DRC are the problems of the DRC,” Hon Oryem added.

“We have to take time to know who is who to ensure that the right people are taken back to their countries (defected rebels).”


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