Museveni to Meet Youth Leaders At Grass Root Level to Resolve Party Wrangles


President Yoweri Museveni will meet the youth leaders at the grass root level in order to understand and resolve the going wrangles between the two NRM youth factions.

This follows the long consultative meetings between the President and the leaders of the NRM youth league who recently met at State House Entebbe.

There has been concerns of growing divisions within the NRM youth members with some supporting the Kyankwazi resolution where President Museveni was endorsed to be the sole candidate for the 2016 elections and others campaigning for Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi to stand for the position too.

Last week, President Museveni met with the warring two groups at State House Entebbe to discuss that issue among other issues on economic development, youth unemployment and politics.

During the meeting, Museveni warned the warring factions that whoever attempts to destabilise his government should prepare to face the might of the UPDF. “This UPDF you see here. This UPDF, we have built it. And I trust it,” he added.

However, to be able to realize its objectives, it was agreed that Museveni meets youth leaders at the grass root in order to understand their plight better.

According to the Communications Coordinator, NRM Youth League Mr Duncan Abigaba, the president will meet the youth leaders in their regions.

“To further this debate and be able to realize its objectives, it was agreed that the President meets youth leaders at the grass root in order to understand their plight better,” Abigaba said.

The first regional meeting will be on 21st May 2014 in Northern region, then 26th May 2014 inCentral Region, 27th May 2014 in Western Region and 28th May 2014 in Eastern region.
The Northern region meeting is being organized by Hon. Evelyne Anite and Mr. Omodo Omodo.

Meanwhile, the National Delegates Conference that had been slated for 15th May, 2014 was postponed to 25th July, 2014 at Mandela National Stadium, Namboole.


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