Parliament To Resume On 29th October.


Parliament will resume its activities on Tuesday next week after a one-month of recess.

MPs to debate strike at Makerere

To some legislators, as they prepare for the second meeting of the fourth session, there is need for Parliament to urgently address the standoff at Makerere University in addition to addressing the increasing cases of murder in the country.

The House that is to be presided over by the Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga is also expected to receive a report on the government’s electoral reforms from the legal and Parliamentary affairs committee chaired by MP Jacob Oboth Oboth.

But as the legislators prepare to start their second sitting of the fourth session on Tuesday next week, they are asking the business committee of parliament to consider the issue of the standoff at Makerere on the order Paper.

To them there is need for Parliament to urgently address the management and student’s crisis at the Ivory Tower if sanity is to be brought to the oldest university in the country.

Some legislators want the Committee on Education and Sports plus the one in charge of Human Rights interest themselves on the alleged claims that is an ongoing brutal actions against students by the security personnel at the university.

And with the ongoing preparations for the 2021 general elections, some legislators want the discussion of the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs report on electoral reforms to be prioritised.

The Tuesday Parliamentary sitting is expected to be presided over by the Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga.


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