President Museveni Opens Multibillion Hotel Africana in Moroto


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has congratulated the proprietor of Hotel Africana Group of Companies, Hajji Ibrahim Kibirige for opening up a hotel in Karamoja region that will go along way in developing the region by providing tourists with proper accommodation.

“I congratulate Hajji Ibrahim Kibirige for really being a very good entrepreneur by opening a Hotel in Karamoja. Convey my happiness to him. Sorry about his sickness, I wish him a very quick recovery,” he said.

This is the 3rd Hotel Africana to be opened. The first being in Kampala, the 2nd in Lusaka Zambia and now the 3rd in Moroto. They have plans to construct more Africana Hotels in Arua and Pakwach in West Nile.

The multi-million state of the art complex boasts of 70 rooms, two restaurants, conference Halls, boardrooms, a fully fledged commercial kitchen and provides a wonderful ambience that gives a full view of Mount Moroto. It was supported by African Development Bank and is situated in Nadunget sub-county at the proximity of Moroto Municipality en-route to Kidepo Valley National Park.

On tax exemption as requested by the management as some expansion is to take place at the site, President Museveni granted the management their appeal.

“About tax exemption, no problem. Whatever tax exemption you need I will give you. I will tax you indirectly. I know Ugandans like drinking alcohol,” he said.

He assured them that the road from Moroto-Kotido-Kaabong to Kidepo will be worked on, to enable tourists’ drive from Entebbe to Kidepo Valley National Park and that government is upgrading the power lines to provide more stable electricity.

President Museveni also thanked UDB for their services and informed them that more money will be provided to the Bank. He however called on them to strongly support, sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, value addition and services.

The Managing Director of UDB Ms. Patricia Ojangole thanked President Museveni for believing in UDB and providing the bank with capitations of shs. 455 billion as part of governments’ stimulus package to address COVID-19 impacts on the economy that has been distributed across the country for agro-processing and manufacturing among others, that has created over 37,000 new jobs.

She added that their support to Hotel Africana Moroto will contribute in the development of the Karamoja sub region as well as support tourism industry in the area. She added that the project will market the culture of the region, increase the number of tourists, contribute to the employment of the locals

The Chairman of BMK group Dr. Ibrahim Mwanga Kibirige, in his passionate speech read for him by one of the directors Engineer Ngobia Isaac thanked President Yoweri Museveni and the government for supporting him in the implementation of the project.

“My decision to come to Karamoja left many of my business partners wondering why this region. I have been a pioneer in several successful businesses in Uganda and central Africa. I started the boda boda business in the region. So where many fear risk, I look out for new opportunities,” he said.

BMK as he is popularly known said Hotel Africana Moroto is going to be a key player in the tourism industry in the region.

He also thanked UDB, security agencies and the people of Karamoja for their support.


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