Why Arsene Wenger Should Go Now


Yesterday I went over to my local restaurant to buy a specific snack; I was too hungry that I considered swallowing before chewing. Anyway, just know the owner had hiked the prices because for some reason demand was out-muscling the supply-Hope you get the economics here.

Painfully I took the snack and for some other reason, it wasn’t well-made like those I have cheaply bought before. This got me wondering why I always enjoy a cheaper but better snack and trust me my brain quickly rushed to England where should-be cheap players have cost clubs a fortune and why one specific manager seems to command more respect for not winning anything. But let’s leave the former for my next piece.

Unlike in Uganda where Golola Moses walks the hype, in England it’s different. Very different!

Most Arsenal fans might not appreciate my opinion, but only Arsene Wenger’s achievements in the past should be testimony to my allegation.
Before you even contemplate judging me, please allow me to suggest Arsenal is living like a headless chicken. And in my view, the club is headed for more trouble with its fans if Ivan Gazidis, CEO, can’t do something about those gloomy faces that have started describing the Arsenal followers.

Certainly, football legacy has no connection with what’s happening in North-London. It’s about medals my friend. And am sorry the Emirates cup doesn’t count.

All am saying is that NO football team becomes a giant just because its players exchange the most passes within 90 minutes, but rather the trophies won.

The other fact is that the formula to winning trophies includes players, the manager, scouting agents, the board, the fans and maybe those who clean the stadium. Back to Arsenal, the club is doing miracles with the fans & players (yes, I insist Arsenal has quality players).

This therefore gets me zeroing on the manager and the board. But I will quickly drop the board too because in modern football a manager has the ability to command some respect and his own decision making. Jose Mourinho will testify.

As I write this, am trying to come to terms with the fact that Arsene Wenger is still the Arsenal boss. For a chap who arrived in 1996, and can only boost of 3 premier league trophies, it’s miraculous. Take a quick look at Europe and facts will suggest Jose Mourinho was sacked by Chelsea for failing to win the Champions league, Ancelotti, who also won a double in his debut season, was shown the exit for a virgin second, Rafael Benitez sacked by Inter Milan after six months in which he won the club World Cup plus Fabio Capello thrown out by Real Madrid after winning the only the La-Liga.

My point here is most European giants can’t stand not winning the champions league, two seasons without a domestic crown or winning with an “ugly” style. So, why does Arsene Wenger still own a locker at Arsenal after six trophy-less seasons? Your guess seems to be a good as mine. The board doesn’t seem to have winning championships as their priority; they would rather maintain a top-four spot while making more money.

But the other predicament that seems to hit Arsenal fans is why a squad of such quality is struggling to win something. Well, we must realize that winning a league is way too different from winning cups like the FA & the Carling. Whereas one needs a quality starting eleven to win the FA cup final, depth-in-quality is crucial in your quest for the a league title.

Each team in the premier league plays 38 games a season which comes down to an average of 50 games for the major players who must also play in the FA cup, Champions league and maybe a few international friendlies.
Issues like fatigue will definitely come into consideration and for a thin squad like Arsenal’s, the impact is even bigger. No trophies.

Last season’s first half saw Luis Nani, Florent Malouda, Gareth Bale and Arsenal’s Samir Nasir as the best players. Come the second half of the season, United’s Rooney & Chicharito stepped up the gear, Chelsea saw Lampard & Drogba return plus and some of their defenders start to score, Spurs too turned up the heat with Van Dar Vaart, Defoe & a couple from Kranjaar. But, what happened at Arsenal?

Only Van Persie seemed to be on a high, Arshavin and Rosicky are still depending on past glory while Nicklaus Bendtner doesn’t deserve a mention. Brilliant Jack Wilshere played too many games and therefore showed signs of tiredness towards the end, an injury to Thomas Vermaleane (which happened to United’s Ferdinand in patches) and Gael Clichy’s inability to interpret the off-side rule summed up Arsenal’s defense and season.

In conclusion, in my view, Arsenal’s fully fit first eleven can beat anyone in Europe, the win against Barcelona last season is testimony to my allegation.

But the Gunners can not win anymore trophies if Wenger can not take care of team depth.

And after 6 trophy-less seasons, am still wondering why he seems to command more respect with each passing season.


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