Government to Promote Science Development Projects


President Yoweri Museveni has said the government has put aside Shs50 billion to promote science developments projects.

“This fund of innovation is going to help all those who have skills. It is now Shs50 billion but it will increase with time,” said Museveni.

Museveni said this at the launch of the Students Loan Scheme at Kyambogo University on Thursday afternoon.

Speaking at the launch, the President revealed that so far the government has invested Shs1.6 trillion in Education, and it is going to be increased to Shs1.7 trillion.

“The government is putting aside Shs50 billion to promote science developments projects,” he added.

He assured the students that this fund of innovation is going to help all those who have skills. “It’s now Shs50 billions but it will increase with time,” he added.

This Students loan scheme will enable students who can’t raise tuition acquire education; however, it will be paid back after one has gotten a job and is earning after the university.

He said the government is trying to phase out the State House Scholarships and pushing the over Shs30 billion a year to the Students’ Loan Scheme.

However, the students are supposed to pay back the money after they have started working and earning.

“As Hon. John Muyingo (State Minister for Higher Education) said, you must pay back the loan, after you’ve gotten your job and are earning,” he said.

“If you refuse to pay the loan, we shall be forced to arrest you at your workplace for being a bad Christian, Moslem or bad pagan,” added Museveni.

The Student’s Loan Scheme is the apex of the move to promote education in Uganda, from Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE).

The President also drove Toyota Noah which uses Ethanol (waragi) made by Kyambogo University students. He hailed their innovative skills.

“I have seen the master plan of Kyambogo, it’s very good, and the land which was stolen from you we shall see how to recover it,” he said.


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