Police Strengthen its Marine Unit to Help in Combating Terrorism


Inspector General of Police Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura, who yesterday evening passed out new marines at their base in Kigo near Entebbe says Uganda is a land locked country near a huge water body – Lake Victoria and other smaller ones – that terrorists might use to hit the country again.

41 Marines were trained in combat and rescue missions. The energized Marine unit is ready to take on the challenges ahead and this includes combating the threat of terrorism, rescue accident victims and illegal fishing which has depleted fish stocks in Lake Victoria.

Under the watchful eye of Inspector General of Police Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura the unit officers displayed some of their newly acquired skills passed on to them by experts from North Korea. The marines got training in swimming long distances, deep water diving to detect bombs and attacking enemy posts.

Gen. Kayihura was impressed by the skills displayed and pledged to equip the officers better so that they can respond effectively to the missions. However, most of the speed boats at the unit have engines that broke down ages ago. The Police chief rescheduled the pass out ceremony for Thursday 23rd June 2011.


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